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Feline Leukemia (FeLV+)

*Our FeLV+ Cats in our Sanctuary are available for Adoption*

Feline Leukemia is only transmitted cat to cat. A Feline Leukemia positive cat cannot transmit to dogs, adults, or children. 

More Information on Feline Leukemia

Why we care about FeLV? 
Meet Hootie, Hoo, and Fish

We took in Hootie, Hoo, and Fish as owner surrenders. This was in December of 2020 and when we had very first opened. I had no idea what Felv was when they all 3 tested positive. I was terrified and panicked. Luckly, Hoo (Black Cat) got adopted by an amazing lady who took him despite the disease. 

Hootie (tabby) & Fish (orange/white) remained with us. Unfortunately, Fish passed away at 11 months old in November of 2021 from Felv. We miss him terribly and so does Hootie (she is still with us and living her best life and just turned 4.) 

Interested in adopting one of our Feline Leukemia Positive cats? 

Fill out the application on our website, and we will contact you for a meet and greet to our Feline Leukemia Sanctuary!
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