Welcome & thank you for your interest!
My name is Sid Williams, and I am the founder and director of Smiley's Rescues. I have always had a passion for saving/helping animals. When I was 9, I adopted my childhood cat Smiley. He helped me through very tough times, and I will be forever grateful. Sadly, he passed away in 2019 at age 10 when he lost his battle with kidney disease. I always knew I wanted to do something great in his honor.
Fast forward to 2021 -
I started Smiley's Rescues and have helped more than 268 animals find their forever homes. I am so proud and grateful to the people that have helped us. With the recent approval of not-for-profit (501(c)) status we will be able to expand our capacity to foster animals and provide excellent veterinary care."
Our team consists of myself, my daughter (#1 volunteer), & my life partner Jordan (construction extraordinaire.) We also have three dogs and a number of permanent cats - some with health issues that make them more difficult candidates for adoption.

Sid Williams, my daughter (Lillian), & our dogs (Blue & Casanova)

Jordan (construction extraordinaire) & Lillian