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This Month at Smiley's


March 2025

Quote of the Month: “Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much larger and better in every way.” – John Muir
Bee and Coral are loving their new Kuranda Dog bed that was donated!
Bee and Coral are loving their new Kuranda Dog bed that was donated!

February Intakes:

5 great Pyrenees puppies: Nugget, Mango, Madella, Marv, Mage. The fantastic five are 13 weeks old and will be ready to go to their forever homes on March 22 after their spay/neuter appointments. They are as adorable and endearing as puppies can get, and they will be big dogs when they are full-grown!

Pursilla: A gorgeous diluted tortie with plenty of personality to match her stylish and regal name. She loves to perch in high places and look upon her subjects. She descends to mingle with her people when it’s dinnertime! 

Mr. Beaumont: He is shy and gentle, loves wet food and lazy days. Mr. Beaumont gets along well with everyone, especially people and animals who match his chill energy. This gentleman is Feline Leukemia positive.

Rufus: A sly and stealthy gray and white shorthair, Rufus enjoys observing the world around him. He is a gentle giant and is a bit doglike with his adoration of belly rubs. He is FIV+.

Meekah: A sweet senior gal with a heart of gold. She is recovering from a skin infection, so it might take time to regrow some of her hair. This pup should be in an adult-only home with no other pets.

Coral: A sweet doggo who is estimated at 2-3 years old. She is a little white floof who loves treats, sitting in laps, and quiet, calm environments. 

Bee:  This cutie is estimated at 2-3 years old,is  a Mini-Schnauzer mix, and is smart as can “bee.” She is very outgoing and loves to play. 

Morticia, formerly known as Kourtney, is settling into her wonderful new home!
Morticia, formerly known as Kourtney, is settling into her wonderful new home!

February Adoptions:

Bon: Bon came to us in very rough shape; he went through a lot of neglect and didn’t know what a loving home was like. Lucky for him, he was adopted into an amazing home and now knows that he is safe, loved, and will never need to be afraid again. 

Jovi: Bon’s brother was also in rough shape when he arrived. He is now living his best life in a home where he is adored and spoiled rotten! His family keeps us posted on how great he is doing, and we are so thankful!

Kourtney: This beautiful lady had been waiting awhile for her perfect home, and she is lucky enough to now be a co-owner of a business as well as have a new family! Kourtney’s new name is Morticia, and she and her person own and run The New Lady Godiva Designs: Costume to Couture. 

Blackbeard: This sweet and cozy gent has been adopted into a family who has adopted from us before, so he not only has a human family, but a brand-new ginger-cat brother as well! His new name is Patrick, and he is settling into his new lifestyle perfectly. 

Beast:: Beast was in a foster home for the whole time he was waiting to be adopted. He is now the lucky recipient of a dad and roommates who give him lots of attention!

Miranda:   Miranda’s patience paid off in a big way: her new family loves her unconditionally and is a perfect fit for this sweet girl. We are so happy for her to have found her home at last!

JJ: JJ’s charisma never fails him. He is so popular in his new town of Bemidji that his vet clinic chose him as one of their featured pets. He is living a northwoods dream and loving every minute!

These kitties were part of one of our February projects.
These kitties were part of one of our February projects.


Travel: Lil and Sid traveled to Ironton to get Dwight Jr., Mirium, and Mummy settled into their foster home; thank you, Kaitlin, for opening your home to these beautiful cats while they await their forever home! All our fosters, local and afar, are essential to advancing the mission of Smiley’s Rescues and enable us to save the lives of countless pets.

TNR Projects: We have been working on completing four separate TNR projects, resulting in more than 85 feral cats getting fixed and/or relocated! This will prevent thousands of unplanned litters and needless suffering of feral cats. We are so happy to have done these projects prior to breeding season. Thank you to all involved in trapping, transport, and donating toward meeting the needs of these cats!

Volunteer Orientation: We had another successful volunteer orientation in February. Thank you to everyone who attended! If you would like to volunteer or foster and haven’t yet completed orientation, keep an eye on Facebook for our next session!

Upcoming Events: Please consider donating your time at these volunteer opportunities!

Scheels Home & Hardware Puppy Adoption Event in Fargo: March 22, 2025, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. - 1 volunteer needed. We will have the five Shepherd/Pyr puppies.

Petsmart Adoption Events: Monday, March 24, 2025, 6-8:00 p.m., and Saturday, March 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - 1 volunteer needed for each date. Volunteer would transport cats on the 24th; Sid would prepare the cats to go and meet you at the event. 

Minn-Kota Cat Show in Fargo: April 5 & 6, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - 1 volunteer needed for each day. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Fargo: May 15, 2025 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - 2 volunteers needed, transportation needed. Cat only event. This is an URGENT NEED, as Sid cannot be there. 

Thank You to Our Community Partners:  

Hagen Dental: Thank you for donating a mini-fridge to the storefront!

Crookston Vet Clinic: Thank you for the donation of heartworm/flea/tick preventative!

Pet Spotlight: Kenny! His sleek black coat, deep green eyes, and sweet personality make him the ideal companion. He is up for adoption and would make the perfect addition to your family.
Pet Spotlight: Kenny! His sleek black coat, deep green eyes, and sweet personality make him the ideal companion. He is up for adoption and would make the perfect addition to your family.

This feral cat became a friendly one as he got used to the family who shared his yard. When his leg was damaged out in the wilds, it was amputated and he continued to live a full outdoorsy lifestyle.
This feral cat became a friendly one as he got used to the family who shared his yard. When his leg was damaged out in the wilds, it was amputated and he continued to live a full outdoorsy lifestyle.

Education: Our March Focus is Trap, Neuter, Release

Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) is a humane and effective method for managing feral cat populations. By live-trapping, neutering, and returning cats to their original locations, TNR prevents uncontrolled breeding, reducing the number of homeless cats over time. This method also improves the health of feral cats by reducing disease transmission and aggressive behaviors linked to mating. TNR allows cats to live out their natural lives while stabilizing colonies. Additionally, it benefits communities by decreasing nuisance behaviors such as yowling and spraying. Supporting TNR programs leads to healthier cats, fewer strays, and a more balanced coexistence with humans. 

At Smiley’s, TNR projects usually return the cats to their original homes; when that is not possible, cats go to new barn homes where they are safe, sheltered, and work to help control the rodent populations. 

Pet Fact of the Month:  From the National Feline Research Council:

Results of the American Pet Products Association’s 2019–2020 National Pet Owners Survey suggest that 93% of pet cats are sterilized [2]. No comparable data is available for feral cat populations; however, studies reveal considerable variation in sterilization rates at the local level, from essentially 0% in areas where resources are scarce [8] to nearly 100% where intensive trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs are implemented.

Our storefront is home to a free pet pantry if you or someone you know have pets in need.
Our storefront is home to a free pet pantry if you or someone you know have pets in need.


Address: 304 Mill St. N, Fertile, MN 56540

Hours: Mondays (6-8pm), Saturdays (9am-12pm)

In addition to providing a space to meet adoptable pets, our storefront features pet-related items, apparel, and decor items. Stop by and see us!


To volunteer, donate, foster, or apply for pet adoption, contact Sid Williams, Director: 



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